
【Kyoto】Arashiyama Yusaitei – Colorful World


Arashiyama district, on the west side of Kyoto city, is surrounded by beautiful nature, mountain and river.

Because of its beauty and sophisticated atmosphere, Arashiyama was popular area for Nobles from the Heian Era to build their holiday houses. This is the reason why Arashiyama is often featured in old famous stories and poetries.

After crossing the Togetsu Bridge to the North, walk along the river for 10 minutes and you will find the entrance to Arashiyama Yusaitei.

Arashiyama Yusaitei is located bit far from the central area of Arashiyama and as not many tourist pass by, you will enjoy exclusiveness… So let’s enter inside!

It’s was built during the Meiji Era, which is around 150 years ago and initially, it was a prestigious traditional Ryokan named Chidori. Mr. Yasunari Kawabata, a winner of Novel Prize in Literature stayed there, while he wrote a story called Yamanone.

So first, we were escorted to “Yasunari Kawabata’s room”.
With beauty of mountain and river created tranquility atmosphere – it’s so relaxing place but at the same time, I feel the power and energy of the nature which made me think that I could come up with a great novels, even if in reality I have no ability…

And if you take a photo of outside of the room through the table, you will get a very instagrammable photo!
Like you are in a Kaleidoscope!

Short break with traditional matcha tea – what a treat…

Then we were escorted to “Marumado no heya” which means Room with round window.
Another world of kaleidoscope!

Toward the end of the building, there are a terrace and a newly opened water mirror space.
This is real / actual photo – just taken with water mirror reflection – WOW isn’t it!

If you look at these pictures, you will see how the water mirror is set – yes, nothing special, no magic.
But this water mirror has been created with special “water” that at any time with any weather, you will always get clear reflection. It is an art.

Actually this is an atelier of dyeing artist, Mr. Yusai Okuda! So if you are lucky, you may see the dyeing process done by Mr. Okuda. If you make a booking in advance, you can enjoy dyeing experience.

Color created by Nature and color created by Artist, Mr. Yusai Okuda… Arashiyama Yusaitei is the place to enjoy the beauty of color !

Arashiyama Yusaitei

Address6, Saga Kamenoomachi, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, KYOTO
Open Hour10:00 – 18:00 (Opening schedule may change by season)
New Year Period
Admission Fee2,000 yen
* Advance booking is required (Junior high school student or older only)
Website (Japanese Only)