
【Aoyama】ITOCHU SDG’s STUDIO – Ethical Convenience Store


SDG’s have really started to get attention in Japan recently and in April 2021, Itochu Corporation opened the ITOCHU SDG’s STUDIO as a transmission base about SDG’s activities. Part of that, is a shop called Ethical Conbini (convenience store) – to provide a venue to get involved in SDG’s through daily life. So let’s check it out!

SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goals) were set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 with the aim to be achieved by 193 countries between 2016 and 2030. They are made of 17 individual goals and 169 targets, so I can’t explain in details here, but these global goals, always seemed way too big, for someone having a simple normal life, like me.

Then, I got to know about Itochu SDGs Studio and their Ethical Conbini – created with the concept to feel and get involved in SDG’s through something you are already familiar or your favorite things.

They selected items and ordered them in six categories: Less Waste, Ocean Friendly, Animal Welfare, Creativity, Natural Materials and Experience.

Copyright: ITOCHU Corporation

Before I went there, I was of course expecting the items to be ethical but didn’t really think anything would be attractive… Obviously I was wrong and was in for a big surprise!

All items are just nice, fashionable, chic, lovely, fun, cute, etc. etc., so yes, I admit, I simply enjoyed seeing them and shopping them!

The shop has been designed by Mr. Nagasaka from Schemata Architects with the concept of ITHOCHU SDG’s STUDIO which is not to destroy anything to make something new, make use of the original material and provide different atmosphere by different project. It’s really fashionable and indeed comfortable.

If you have any spare time in Tokyo, this might be a great option to pass by and discover new objects and products that can help us, take at least one first step towards the Sustainable Development Goals.


Address: Itochu Garden B1, 2-3-1, Kita Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Opening Hour:11:00-18:00
Close: Monday